501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

aberration(a ̆b·e ̆·ray·sho ̆n) n.deviation from what is normal; distortion. His
new scientific theory was deemed an aberration by his very conservative colleagues.

abstruse(ab·stroos) adj.difficult to comprehend; obscure. Albert Einstein’s
abstruse calculations can be understood by only a few people.

anomaly(a ̆·nom·a ̆·lee) n.something that deviates from the general rule or
usual form; irregular, peculiar, or abnormal. Winning millions of dollars from
a slot machine would be considered an anomaly.

assiduous(a ̆·sij·oo·u ̆s) adj.diligent, persevering, unremitting; constant in
application or attention. The nurses in the intensive care unit are known for pro-
viding assiduous care to their patients.

august(aw·ust) adj.majestic, venerable; inspiring admiration or rever-
ence. Jackie Kennedy’s august dignity in the days following her husband’s assas-
sination set a tone for the rest of the nation as it mourned.

banal(ba ̄·nal) adj.commonplace, trite; obvious and uninteresting. Though
Tom and Susan had hoped for an adventure, they found that driving cross-coun-
try on the interstate offered mostly banal sites, restaurants, and attractions.

boisterous(boi·ste ̆·ru ̆s) adj.1. loud, noisy, and lacking restraint or disci-
pline. 2. stormy and rough. The boisterous crowd began throwing cups onto the
field during the football game.

dulcet(dul·sit) adj.melodious, harmonious, sweet-sounding. The chamber
orchestra’s dulcet tunes were a perfect ending to a great evening.

epitome(i·pit·o ̆·mee) n.1. something or someone that embodies a partic-
ular quality or characteristic; a representative example or a typical model.

  1. a brief summary or abstract. With his ten-gallon hat, western shirt, and
    rugged jeans, Alex was the epitome of the American cowboy.

impudent(im·pyu ̆·de ̆nt) adj.1. boldly showing a lack of respect, insolent.

  1. shamelessly forward, immodest. Thumbing his nose at the principal was an
    impudent act.

insolent(in·so ̆·le ̆nt) adj.haughty and contemptuous; brazen, disrespectful,
impertinent. Parents of teenagers often observe the insolent behavior that typically
accompanies adolescence.

mellifluous(me·lif·loo·u ̆s) adj.sounding sweet and flowing; honeyed. Her
mellifluous voice floated in through the windows and made everyone smile.

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