501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

ostensible(o·sten·s ̆·be ̆l) adj.seeming, appearing as such, put forward (as
of a reason) but not necessarily so; pretended. The ostensible reason for the
meeting is to discuss the candidates, but I believe they have already made their

pedestrian(pe ̆·des·tri·a ̆n) adj.commonplace, trite; unremarkable, unimag-
inative; dull. Although the film received critical acclaim, its pedestrian plot has
been overused by screenwriters for decades.

purport(pur·pohrt) v.1. to be intended to seem, to have the appearance
of being. 2. propose or intend. The letter purports to express your opinion on the

quintessence(kwin·tes·e ̆ns) n.1. the essence of a substance. 2. the perfect
example or embodiment of something. Maura is the quintessence of kindness.

raucous(raw·ku ̆s) adj.1. unpleasantly loud and harsh. 2. boisterous, dis-
orderly; disturbing the peace. The raucous music kept us awake all night.

recondite(rek·o ̆n·d ̄t) adj.1. not easily understood; obscure and abstruse.

  1. dealing with abstruse or profound matters. He loves the challenge of grasp-
    ing a recondite subject.

sedulous(sej·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj.diligent, persevering; hardworking. After years of
sedulous research, the researchers discovered a cure.

venerable(ven·e ̆·ra ̆·be ̆l) adj.worthy of reverence or respect because of
age, dignity, character, or position. The venerable Jimmy Carter has just won
the Nobel Peace Prize.

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