501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. Something ostensibleseems one way but is not necessarily so;
    pretended or purported.(Ostensibleis an adjective; purportis a verb,
    with purportedas its adjective form.)

  2. Dulcetmeans very sweet, especially sweet sounding; mellifluous.

  3. To be boisterousis to be unpleasantly loud and unrestrained; raucous.

  4. An aberrationis a deviation from the norm, an anomaly.

  5. To be mellifluousis to be sweet-sounding and flowing; dulcet.

  6. To be sedulousis to be diligent and hardworking; assiduous.

  7. To be impudentis to boldly show a lack of respect; to be insolent.

  8. To be venerableis to be worthy of admiration or respect; august.

  9. An epitomeis a perfect example of something; quintessence.

  10. To be raucousis to be unpleasantly loud and harsh; boisterous.

  11. Something abstruseis difficult to understand; obscure, recondite.

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