501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

abysmal(a ̆·biz·ma ̆l) adj.1. extreme, very profound, limitless. 2. extremely
bad. Tom’s last place finish in the race was an abysmal turn of events for the team.

ad hoc(ad hok) adj.for a specific, often temporary, purpose; for this case
only. She acted as the ad hoc scout leader while Mr. Davis—the official leader—
was ill.

amorphous(a ̆·mor·fu ̆s) adj.having no definite shape or form; shapeless.
The amorphous cloud of steam drifted over her head.

askew(a ̆·skyoo) adj. & adv.crooked, not straight or level; to one side. Even
the pictures on the wall stood askew after my five-year-old son’s birthday party.

fecund(fek·u ̆nd) adj.fertile. The fecund soil in the valley was able to sustain the
growing community.

flaccid(fla·sid) adj.hanging loose or wrinkled; weak, flabby, not firm. The
skin of cadavers becomes flaccid in a matter of hours.

florid(flor·id) adj.1. elaborate, ornate. 2. (of complexion) ruddy, rosy. The
florid architecture in Venice does not appeal to me; I prefer buildings without so
much ornamentation.

hermetic(hur·met·ik) adj.having an airtight closure; protected from out-
side influences. Astronauts go for space walks only when wearing hermetic space

malleable(mal·i·a ̆·be ̆l) adj.1. easily molded or pressed into shape. 2. eas-
ily controlled or influenced. 3. easily adaptable to changing circumstances.
You should be able to convince Xiu quickly; she’s quite a malleable person.

mundane(mun·dayn) adj.1. dull, routine; commonplace, ordinary. 2.
worldly as opposed to spiritual. My job may be mundane, but it is secure and it
pays well.

precarious (pri·kair·i·u ̆s) adj. 1. fraught with danger. 2. dangerously
unsteady or insecure. Steve, the “Crocodile Hunter,” is constantly placing him-
self in very precarious positions.

precipitous(pri·sip·i·tu ̆s) adj.1. extremely steep, dropping sharply. 2. hasty,
rash; foolhardy. Driving through the state park, we spotted a grizzly bear on a
precipitous cliff and wondered if he would fall.

pristine(pris·teen) adj.1. in its original and unspoiled condition, unadul-
terated. 2. clean, pure; free from contamination. We were awed by the beauty
of the pristine forest in northern Canada.

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