501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

quiescent(kwi·es·e ̆nt) adj.inactive, quiet, at rest; dormant, latent. The vol-
cano is quiescent at the moment, but who knows when it will erupt again.

rakish(ray·kish) adj.1. debonair; smartly dressed or mannered; jaunty in
appearance or manner. 2. unconventional and disreputable; dissolute or
debauched. The rakish young woman charmed everyone at the table.

replete (ri·pleet) adj. 1. well-stocked or abundantly supplied. 2. full,
gorged. The house was replete with expensive antiques.

salutary(sal·yu ̆·ter·ee) adj.producing a beneficial or wholesome effect;
remedial. To promote better health, I’ve decided to move to a more salutary cli-

sinuous(sin·yoo·u ̆s) adj.winding, undulating; serpentine. It is dangerous to
drive fast on such a sinuous road.

sodden(sod·e ̆n) adj.1. thoroughly saturated, soaked. 2. expressionless or
dull, unimaginative. Caught in an unexpected rainstorm, I was sodden by the
time I reached the bus stop.

tenuous(ten·yoo·u ̆s) adj.1. unsubstantial, flimsy. 2. having little substance
or validity. Though the connection between the two crimes seemed tenuous at first,
a thorough investigation showed they were committed by the same person.

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