501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. Malleablemeans easily molded, controlled, or pressed into shape.

  2. Salutarymeans having or producing a beneficial effect.

  3. Floridmeans elaborate or ornate.

  4. Pristinemeans in its original and unspoiled condition.

  5. Abysmalmeans extremely bad.

  6. Something precariousis fraught with danger.

  7. Something mundaneis dull or routine; without excitement.

  8. Tenuousmeans unsubstantial or flimsy.

  9. Askewmeans crooked; not straight or level.

  10. Rakishmeans debonair; smartly dressed or mannered.

  11. Hermeticmeans having an airtight closure; protected from outside

  12. Quiescentmeans inactive, quiet, or at rest.

  13. Repletemeans well-stocked or abundantly supplied.

  14. Soddenmeans thoroughly saturated; soaked.

  15. Amorphousobjects have no definite shape or form.

  16. Fecundmeans fertile.

  17. Ad hocmeans for a specific, often temporary, purpose.

  18. Something sinuousis winding or serpentine.

  19. Precipitousmeans extremely steep.

  20. Flaccidmeans hanging loose; weak, flabby, not firm.

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