501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

nexus(nek·su ̆s) n.1. a means of connection; a link or tie between a series
of things 2. a connected series or group 3. the core or center. The nexus
between the lobbyists and the recent policy changes is clear.

non sequitur(non·sek·wi·tu ̆r) n.a conclusion that does not logically fol-
low from the evidence. Marcus’s argument started off strong, but it degenerated
into a series of non sequiturs.

pallor(pal·o ̆r) n.paleness, lack of color. The fever subsided, but her pallor
remained for several weeks.

paradigm(par·a ̆·d ̄m) n.1. something that serves as a model or example.

  1. set of assumptions, beliefs, values, or practices that constitutes a way of
    understanding or doing things. Elected “Employee of the Month,” Winona is a
    paradigm of efficiency.

pundit(pun·dit) n.a learned person or scholar; one who is an authority on
a subject. The journalist consulted several legal pundits before drafting the article.

queue(kyoo) n.1. a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn. 2. a pig-
tail. Look how long the queue is! We’ll be waiting for hours.

surrogate(sur·o ̆·it) n.a substitute; one who takes the place of another.
Martha agreed to be a surrogate mother for her sister, who could not carry her own
child to term.

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