501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

For numbers 181–190, select the best synonymin Column B for each
vocabulary word in Column A. Circle the correct answer. (If you do
not own this book, please write your answers on a separate piece of

Column A Column B

181.harbinger a.forerunner b.harbor c.convert

182.amulet a.potion b.charm c.anklet

183.pundit a.expert b.politician c.kicker

184.paradigm a.example b.timely c.law

185.archetype a.copy b.ancient c.original

186.ethos a.ancient b.spirit c.height

187.queue a.soft b.line c.quick

188.élan a.spirited b.speed c.effective

189.non sequitur a.secret b.clarity c.illogic

190.countenance a.value b.expression c.royal

For numbers 191–200, select the best antonymin Column B for each
vocabulary word in Column A. Circle the correct answer. (If you do
not own this book, please write your answers on a separate piece of

Column A Column B

191.aperture a.opening b.closure c.huge

192.surrogate a.copy b.survivor c.original

193.conclave a.cave b.secretive c.public meeting

194.bravado a.courage b.cowardice c.scorn

195.pallor a.sick b.color c.bland

196.nexus a.discord b.disconnect c.empty

197.dichotomy a.unity b.division c.dissection

198.mélange a.mix b.dessert c.sameness

199.ado a.trouble b.calm c.language

200.impasse a.resolution b.stalemate c.dangerous

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