501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

proletariat(proh·le ̆·tair·i·a ̆t) n.the working class; those who do manual
labor to earn a living. The proletariats demanded fewer hours and better wages.

pungent(pun·je ̆nt) adj.1. having a strong, sharp taste or smell. 2. pene-
trating, caustic; stinging. I love the pungent taste of a good, strong curry.

quaff(kwahf) v.to drink hurriedly or heartily; to swallow in large draughts.
He quickly quaffed three glasses of water.

quotidian(kwoh·tid·i·a ̆n) adj.1. daily. 2. commonplace, pedestrian. Pru-
dence took her quotidian dose of medicine.

regale(ri·ayl) v.to delight or entertain with a splendid feast or pleasant
amusement. The king regaled his guests until the early morning hours.

repose(ri·pohz) n.1. resting or being at rest. 2. calmness, tranquility; peace
of mind. The wail of a police siren disturbed my repose.

slake(slayk) v.1. to satisfy, quench. 2. to reduce the intensity of, moder-
ate, allay. The deer slaked its thirst at the river.

toil(toil) 1. n.exhausting labor or effort; difficult or laborious work. 2. v.
to work laboriously, labor strenuously. Evan toiled for hours before solving the

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