501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

For numbers 201–220, read the sentences below carefully. Choose the
word from the word list above that best completes the sentence.
Write the correct answer in the blank. (If you do not own this book,
please write your answers on a separate piece of paper.)

  1. With 11 children to care for, Mrs. Higgins had to ____ for
    many hours just to keep up with the laundry.

  2. Suzanne’s boss suspected that she was ____ (ing) when she
    called in sick on Monday morning.

  3. Maude’s Internet business was so ____ that she was able to
    retire at the age of 45.

  4. Observing Malik sleeping in his hammock by the river on a
    beautiful summer day, I envied his ____.

  5. Boot camp for a U.S. Marine requires ____ training.

  6. Since Matthew was the one who wanted the dog, the ____ was
    on him to walk the dog every morning.

  7. The cashier’s ____ comment, “Have a nice day,” lacked

  8. Because everyone in Peter’s family was a ____, Peter felt both
    proud and unique because he was the first in his family to go to

  9. The woman on the corner wearing love beads, a headband, and a
    jacket with a huge peace symbol on the back is a(n) ____ in
    the new millennium.

  10. Every autumn, Deborah’s great-grandmother spends days
    performing the ____ act of canning fruits for winter, even
    though she can buy them in the supermarket.

  11. The Museum of Natural History has a broad array of archeological
    displays from contemporary society to ____ artifacts from the
    age of the caveman.

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