501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. The doctor said that grandpa’s ____ walks in the woods were a
    factor in his living to be 110 years old.

  2. Doug was ____ in cleaning up the sports equipment on the
    field so that he would be there when the cheerleaders came out to

  3. The centerpiece of the Thanksgiving dinner table was a beautiful
    ____ overflowing with fruits and vegetables.

  4. Human beings and dinosaurs did not exist during the same time
    periods; therefore, they were not ____.

  5. When Maria finished the marathon, she immediately began to
    ____ large amounts of water.

  6. Miriam was quite a hostess and would ____ her dinner party
    guests with sumptuous feasts.

  7. Mario is a true ____: He is always shopping in the local
    gourmet food store, sampling new items and stocking his pantry
    with exquisite foods.

  8. In the early 1900s, the Lower East Side in New York City was
    famous for pickle shops and the ____ odor they gave the

  9. According to the legend, the vampire needed to ____ his thirst
    for blood every night with a new victim.

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