501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. To toilis to do exhausting or very difficult labor.

  2. To malingeris to pretend to be sick or injured to avoid work.

  3. Something lucrativeproduces a lot of money.

  4. To be in a state of reposeis to be at rest and tranquil.

  5. Something arduousis very difficult and requires tremendous effort.

  6. An onusis a responsibility or obligation to do something.

  7. Something done in a perfunctorymanner is done in a superficial
    way, without much care or sincerity.

  8. Proletariatrefers to the working class (e.g. manual laborers).

  9. An anachronismis something or someone that seems out of place
    because it seems to be from another era.

  10. Something archaicbelongs to a former or ancient time period.

  11. Something primevalbelongs to or is from the earliest ages.

  12. Quotidianrefers to a daily occurrence or activity.

  13. To be dilatoryis to be slow in doing something, usually to cause a
    delay or gain time for another purpose.

  14. A cornucopia(also called horn of plenty) is a hollow, horn-shaped
    decorative item filled with fruits and vegetables used to symbolize

  15. To be coevalmeans to have existed at the same time; to be

  16. To quaffmeans to drink both hurriedly and heartily.

  17. To regalemeans to delight or entertain with a splendid feast or
    pleasant amusement.

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