Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Chapter 3
Visual and
Performing Arts

Grades Nine
Through Twelve


High school students apply their understanding of the vocabu-
lary of theatre as they document the production elements of
theatrical performances, thereby increasing their ability to
write, design, produce, and perform. They base their acting
choices on script analysis, character research, reflection, and
revision, writing dialogues and scenes and applying their knowledge of dramatic
structure. From at first playing theatrical games to now describing ways in
which playwrights reflect and influence their culture, students grasp the power
of theatre to present and explore complex ideas and issues in forms that range
from comedy to tragedy. They also examine how a specific actor uses or has
used drama to convey meaning and analyze the impact of
traditional and nontraditional theatre, film, television, and
electronic media on societies. They under-
stand the value of the knowledge and skills
they learned in theatre as related to careers
in theatre and elsewhere. By participating
in theatre, they continue to improve
their time-management skills, meet
deadlines, and learn the professional
standards required in the world
of theatre.
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