Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

  • Local dance studio companies and classes at the school site

  • Field trips to see dance companies that come to perform in their
    local areas

  • Districtwide master classes or even districtwide or citywide dance
    performances organized by dance teachers and dance specialists

  • Classes for students at local dance studios, particularly for those students
    who at the advanced level continue to take classes to further their dance

Parent advocacy and support are critical in developing and sustaining an
active dance program. For example, parents with a strong folk and traditional
dance background can contribute to the vitality of dance programs within the
school as well as in the larger community. Other ways they may offer assistance
are by:

  • Providing supervision on field trips

  • Selling or collecting tickets for dance performances

  • Assisting with costumes and props (shopping, designing, sewing)

  • Serving as liaisons to business and community organizations

  • Providing services, such as copying, printing, and decorating

  • Providing assistance in securing and using new technology and
    electronic media

  • Supporting their children’s continuing dance study in and outside

Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts

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