Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1
identify and discuss the characteristics of master performances and composi-
tions as they work toward achieving the content standards in the aesthetic valu-
ing strand. This process enables students to learn about their own responses to
music and to assess those responses in relation to the music.

Middle School Level
Music instruction in the middle school continues with general music expe-
riences available to all students and includes elective performance classes in
orchestra, band, choir, and other ensembles. A standards-based program pro-
vides instruction for beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of student
participation. Through singing and playing, students are challenged to develop
their performance skills as they receive subject-centered, standards-based music
instruction. Incorporated into other subjects as appropriate, music helps stu-
dents, for example, gain a deeper realization of the emotional and social impact
of the U.S. Civil War as they study the music of the period. And as they apply
the concept of fractions to musical notation, they become aware of connections,
relationships, and applications.
According to the content standards, students are to develop a heightened
perceptual awareness of the aesthetic qualities of the music from cultures
throughout the world and of major works of music. They develop listening
skills and become more perceptive and observant. Through school music pro-
grams students have opportunities to apply the elements of music and extend
their knowledge of the language of music and their ability to use it.
By composing music and other expressions, students explore the creative
process. This work is enhanced as they study music compositions from many
cultures and time periods. By participating in performances and attending pro-
fessional performances, they develop the skills needed for making aesthetic
judgments and applying thoughtful reasoning and criteria to those judgments.
Their experiences also make them aware of many careers in and related to the
field of music.

High School Level
Standards-based music instruction provides opportunities for students to
do in-depth studies in one or more areas of concentration, delve into the mean-
ing and impact of music, and develop life skills and career competencies. At the
high school level, instruction prepares students to enter the university music
Music instruction provides an opening for students to participate in choral
and instrumental ensembles. These classes offer instruction at the beginning,
intermediate, and advanced levels to meet the needs of all students in achieving
the standards at the beginning or proficient level or higher. Other classes that
also benefit students include music appreciation, music theory, the history and

Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts

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