Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Role of Student Music Performances

Student performances provide opportunities for young musicians to dem-
onstrate musical growth, gain personal satisfaction from achievement, and expe-
rience the joy of making music. They can motivate students to learn and stimu-
late careful rehearsing and self-discipline. However, although they are an
important part of the music curriculum and promote student learning, perfor-
mances should be an outcome rather than the basic objective of music instruc-
Public performances allow students to reflect on and refine their musical
understanding, showcasing individual or group achievement. Formal perfor-
mances, such as concerts, music festivals, and stage productions, may serve as
culminating experiences in which students are challenged to perform at their
best. Through informal performances in the classroom or for the community,
students can demonstrate the learning process at different stages and in greater
The visibility and popularity of student performance groups may lead to
expectations not directly related to music education. Demands are often made
on school music ensembles to perform at athletic events, assemblies, student
productions, parent meetings, community club meetings, conferences, and civic
events. Although providing entertainment may be a valid activity for music
groups, the demands should never interfere with the students’ music education.
Music programs should pay attention to educating the audience in addition
to the student musicians and performers. For example, providing program
notes is helpful and may include a description of the content standards students
are working to achieve. And in all aspects of music performance, diversity must
be considered, including diversity in selecting the music to be played and the
soloists to perform.

Resources for the Music Program

Appropriate, up-to-date equipment, instructional materials, and facilities as
well as community resources and parent involvement are vital to the standards-
based music program.

Equipment and Instructional Materials

Music instruction requires an adequate budget for the purchase, mainte-
nance, repair, and replacement of equipment and instruments. An adequate
number of musical instruments should be available to ensure balanced instru-
mentation at all levels of instruction. At the elementary school and middle
school levels, a variety of pitched and nonpitched classroom instruments should
be available for general music.

Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts

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