Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1
Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts



First year of instruction

Students read, view, and research
the theatre of a specific period,
playwright, genre, or style
(e.g., Restoration, Shaw, post-
colonial). Research includes the
function of theatre in the culture.

Students learn and present teacher-
directed scenes from the plays of a
given period, playwright, genre,
or style.

Students choose a monologue from
a given period, playwright, genre,
or style and use research information
to present it in an appropriate style.

Students and teacher develop a Students demonstrate the ability to
rubric to evaluate the scenes and achieve a director’s stylized concept
monologues. The performance is by serving as director, actor, or de-
videotaped and assessed by the signer in a play from a given period,
student, classmates, and teacher. playwright, genre, or style.

Two or more years of
additional instruction

After studying theatre from several
different periods or cultures,
students explain the social, cultural,
and political influences on several
different styles of theatre and the
influence of each style on society.
In addition, they compare how one
period of theatre influenced another.

In class students learn and present
teacher-directed scenes from plays
of a given period, playwright, genre,
or style, using highly developed
acting techniques.

Students develop a presentation
for their portfolio that includes a
director’s concept for the production
of a play from a given period, play-
wright, genre, or style. They then
choose two production areas, such
as costumes, lighting, or blocking,
and develop a complete design or
director’s production notes.
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