Pencil Drawing - A Beginner's Guide

(Barré) #1

Cartoon Drawing

Cartooning and Cartoon drawing refers to drawings that often have humorous and even
satirical connotations printed on various media such as newspapers, magazines, and
even the world of film.

The word cartoon has an Italian origin from the word ‘cartone’ meaning pasteboard or
the preparatory sketch for images. The cartoni or the sketches were part of early
Renaissance mural arts, which served as drawings on paper used as guides for the
frescoed drawings.

Cartoons may refer to animated cartoons, comic cartoons, editorial cartoons, gag
cartoon and the illustrative cartoons.

Cartoon Drawing Techniques

The creation of modern cartoons starts with the cartoonists making sketches with the
use of pencils, pens or computer software.

For not so technically perceptive individuals, it is better to use pencils because it is
easier to make corrections without producing as many scratch papers as the pen.

Just like pencil drawing, pencil line drawing techniques and shading techniques are of
great help.

Crosshatching is one of the most common techniques used to create the light and
shadows of the cartoon drawing. Pointillism, on the other hand, is another way of
shading areas in these cartoons.

Thus, mastery of basic pencil drawing technique is your tool to becoming the next
famous cartoonist.

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