96 CHAPTER 2 Formal Logic
If 0p is a formula with expression tree To, then an expression tree for T(-O) is
If 40 and * are formulas with expression trees To and Tk, respectively, then an expression
tree for T(O^*) is
Expression trees for (40 v u), (4v - ), and (4' *- ) are defined analogously to the way
the expression trees is defined for (4 A 4'). The corresponding expression trees are
V W)^4 (-- ) (-^4 W)
It can be proved that each formula has exactly one expression tree. This principle
sometimes allows arguments that manipulate expression trees to be used as a replacement
for induction on formulas. Some examples can be found in writing formal proofs for the
theorems on substitution.
For any expression tree T and any node x in the expression tree, the portion T, of the
tree at or below x forms another expression tree-namely, the expression tree for x.
Definition 4. Let X be a formula with expression tree T, and let * be a formula with
expression tree U. Then, X is a subformula of *' if, for some node x of U, TX = Ux.
Example 4. For the expression tree T, determine the subformulas defined by p and
(-(p V q)).
(r A (-'(-(p v q))))
r (-(-'(p v q)))
(-(p v q))
S(p v
p q