Relational Databases: An Introduction 209
Example 2. Define the relations R and S as shown:
Name Class Average Name Major
Joe 2004 3.14 Joe Mathematics
Sue 2004 2.97 Sue Computer Science
Mary 2005 3.76 Mary Sociology
Form the join of R and S on Name.
Solution. First, form the database Cartesian product R x S.
Database Cartesian Product of R x S
Name Class Average Name Major
Joe 2004 3.14 Joe Mathematics
Joe 2004 3.14 Sue Computer Science
Joe 2004 3.14 Mary Sociology
Sue 2004 2.97 Joe Mathematics
Sue 2004 2.97 Sue Computer Science
Sue 2004 2.97 Mary Sociology
Mary 2005 3.76 Joe Mathematics
Mary 2005 3.76 Sue Computer Science
Mary 2005 3.76 Mary Sociology
Now, form the equijoin: Extract the subset of R x S for which the entries for Name are
equal, giving R'.
Name Class Average Name Major
Joe 2004 3.14 Joe Mathematics
Sue 2004 2.97 Sue Computer Science
Mary 2005 3.76 Mary Sociology
Finally, project R x S on {Name, Class, Average, Name, Major} - {Name} to form the
join of R and S on Name.
Name Class Average Major
Joe 2004 3.14 Mathematics
Sue 2004 2.97 Computer Science
Mary (^2005) 3.76 Sociology U
One of the problems with database queries involves the complexity of finding the join
of two relations. A join on more than a single attribute can be defined. The first example
had three common attributes. The algorithm for finding the join makes the complexity of
this operation clearer.