Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
recent advance is the drug vincristine, which has been isolated from the Madagascar
periwinkle. Vincristine has been found to arrest cell division so dramatically that it is
being used to treat acute leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease.


Phytonutrients are chemicals present in plants that make the plants biologically
active and are responsible for giving plants their color, flavor, and natural disease
resistance. Phytonutrients are products of photosynthesis or are substances that serve
as defense mechanisms against attacks by insects and other predators. These active
components of plants usually occur in groups that complement the protective and
healing effects of each other. Descriptions of the most important phytonutrients and
their uses are found in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Phytonutrients
Phytonutrient Properties Use & Effects
Carbohydrates Main energy source and In some herbs, such as coltsfood and
structural support of plants marshmallow, the cellulose combines
with other chemicals to form mucilage,
a gummy substance, which, when in-
gested by humans, soothes and protects
irritated or inflamed internal tissue.
Fatty oils Mixture of triglycerides, Cathartic effect of castor oil
glycerol, and fatty acids useful for constipation and colic in
young children.
Essential oils Vaporize when heated; Garlic is an antiseptic, thyme is
combinations give plants an expectorant, chamomile
their particular smell relieves gaseous distention and painful
intestinal spasms.
Tannins Chemical substances with Form a protective layer on the
astringent and antiseptic skin and mucous membranes and
properties are useful in treatment of burns and
local inflammation; used for eye and
mouth infections.
Bitter principles Group of chemicals that have Through a reflex action via tastebuds,
an extremely bitter taste stimulate appetite and flow of digestive
juices, stimulate liver activity and flow
of bile, some act as diuretics. Viewed as
overall tonics.


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