Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
body can be detected through palpating microsystems on the feet, hands, and ears.
If something feels different in the microsystems, the corresponding organ is exam-
ined in more detail. Chapter 3 discusses the diagnostic process of Traditional Chinese
Medicine in greater detail.
Pressure point therapies consider symptoms to be an expression of the condition of
the person as a whole. Thus, sessions focus not only on relieving pain and discom-
fort, but also on responding to disruptions before they develop into illnesses.


To restore the flow of energy, acupuncturists insert sterile, hair-thin needles at points
along the meridians. The needles are rotated, twirled, or accompanied by a weak elec-
trical current, and are often left in several minutes or longer. Acupuncturists also may
apply heat or use finger pressure to alter the flow of qi. Clients feel little, if any, pain.
Some people experience sensations of warmth, tingling, heaviness, or a dull ache.
Evidence now indicates that, in addition to restoring the flow of energy within the
meridians, acupuncture reduces pain by triggering the release of endorphins.
Acupuncture also stimulates the nervous system to release ACTH, a chemical that
aids in fighting inflammation; it also releases prostaglandins, which help wounds
heal more quickly, and other substances that may promote nerve regeneration.
Unlike drugs and surgery, acupuncture has virtually no side effects.

Jin Shin Jyutsu/Jin Shin Do

Jin Shin Jyutsu/Jin Shin Do can be practiced by a trained practitioner or by you. The
fingertips are placed over clothing on designated pressure points, to harmonize and
restore the energy flow. Rather than doing something to the body, Jin Shin encour-
ages the body to “let go,” which is seen as the path to awakening your awareness of
harmony within yourself and the universe.
A session generally lasts about an hour with the client lying on a table fully clothed.
The practitioner’s hands act as “jumper cables” to “kick start” the correct flow of
energy. A spot on the shoulder may be held at the same time as a spot on the knee.
The practitioner uses special sequences of hand positions to stimulate the circulation
of energy. The touch is gentle, steady, and never involves force. It is generally pain-
free; any tenderness in a particular area is caused by a blockage and tends to dissi-
pate as the area is held. Some people may feel hot or cold or feel a sensation in
another part of the body than where the practitioner is working. Most people experi-
ence a sense of deep relaxation with Jin Shin Jyutsu/Jin Shin Do.


Reflexologists manipulate the reflex zones most commonly on the feet but the hands
or ears may also be manipulated. A session usually lasts about 45 minutes with the

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