Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
the other. Through close proximity or actual touch, two people create a larger, joint
energy field by connecting their individual energy fields. In intentional healing situ-
ations, practitioners regulate their own internal energy frequencies, allowing recipi-
ents to draw upon the healers’ resources and energy patterns. In an intentional
healing situation, with or without physical contact, a state of coherence and syn-
chrony between the brain waves of the healer and the recipient develops and they
literally become unified in one energetic field.

Smoothing the Way for Healing

Within individuals, energy flows like a river. If it encounters no obstructions, it is
smooth, gliding, and barely perceptible. People whose energy flows smoothly usually
report good health and a feeling of peace with themselves and with others. Health,
then, is defined as an abundance of qiand a balance or harmony of body, mind,
and spirit. In addition, healthy people experience an equilibrium between their own
energy systems and those of the environment. If obstructions or imbalance in energy
occur, such as trauma, pain, rage, sadness, or any physical, mental, emotional, or
spiritual problem, the balanced stream of energy is disrupted and illness or disease
may result.
The locus of healing is within each person and cannot be “given” to a client by a
biofield therapist. People must, and do, heal themselves. Healing environments are
created when therapists enter into caring moments with clients. This moment pro-
vides a spirit-to-spirit connection in which the healer helps their clients to heal
themselves. As recipients become engaged in the healing process, they often find
new ways of coping with their illness.
TT, HT, and Reiki are used only as forms of treatment, not to diagnose physical con-
ditions. They work in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques to
promote healing and relieve side effects of conventional therapies. Indications
include irritability and anxiety; lethargy, fatigue, and depression; premenstrual syn-
drome; nausea and vomiting; chemotherapy and radiation sickness; wound and
bone healing; and acute musculoskeletal problems such as sprains and muscle
spasms. These healing practices are often effective in many types of pain. The only
possible side effects of biofield therapies are temporary light-headedness and/or a
temporary sensation of heat.
Practitioners believe that when they work with energy fields, they are dealing with
that person as a whole and healing may occur at many levels. Recipients may expe-
rience emotional and spiritual growth as well as physical improvement, while in
some cases the therapy may seem not to work at all. Even when these methods do
not help people to resolve a particular problem, the session is soothing and relaxing.

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