Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1


Applied Kinesiology works closely with the meridian system and pressure points.
Meridians are a network of energy circuits that run vertically through the body. Each
meridian passes close to the skin’s surface at places called pressure points. Since
each meridian is associated with an internal organ, the points offer surface access to
the internal organ system. Each of the 14 meridians has related specific neurovascu-
lar points and neurolymphatic points.

Neurovascular Points

Neurovascular points are located mainly on the head. A few seconds after placing
one’s fingers on these points, a slight pulse can be felt at a steady rate of 70–74 beats
per minute. This pulse is not related to the heartbeat, but is believed to be the primi-
tive pulsation of the microscopic capillary bed in the skin.

Neurolymphatic Points

The lymphatic system in the body flows only in one direction and acts as a drainage
system of the body. It produces antibodies, makes white blood cells, and transports
fats, proteins, and other substances to the blood system. The energy for the lym-
phatic system is regulated by neurolymphatic reflexes, located mainly on the chest
and back. These reflex points act like switches that get turned off when the system is
overloaded. They are usually tender spots and those reflex points which are the sor-
est are in greatest need of massage.


Sit facing a partner and, placing both hands in the air, move your hands close to your part-
ner’s hands without touching. Experiment with distance and where you can feel the energy
pulsating between your hands. Imagine that your partner’s energy is coming in your left
hand from your partner’s right hand and your energy is flowing out your right hand into
your partner’s left hand. Imagine the circular circuit between the two of you as the energy
flows up the left arm, across the heart, and down the right arm. Imagine how connected
you feel at this given moment.
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