Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Yoga can benefit people of any age, from children to older adults. Children take nat-
urally to yoga and usually find it fun. Getting the whole family involved is one way
to maintain the routine. Some adults find yoga complements their aerobic routine,
while others engage in yoga as a great nonaerobic conditioner. It is possible to learn
yoga from books or video tapes, but it is easier to learn from a teacher. Yoga classes
are available in many places such as health clubs, community centers, universities,
and hospitals.
Consistent practice of yoga will change your attitude about your body and your
beliefs about what you can do to take care of yourself, both of which are crucial to
well-being. For some, the physical exercise may be a way to attain a specific goal
such as improving flexibility, improving muscle tone, or losing weight. Others have
no specific goal other than the exercise itself and becoming aware of their self,
breath, and energy. The relaxation that accompanies yoga can stimulate self-
healing and contribute to a sense of inner peace.

Developing a Regular Yoga Practice

Benefits from any fitness program, including yoga, can occur only with continued
practice. Try some of these suggestions to help develop a regular pattern:
■ Make time for your practice every day; give yourself permission to take care
of yourself and take time to relax. You may find that doing a few poses
before bedtime or early in the morning works best. Even if you practice for
only five minutes, a daily practice is the foundation on which to build.
■ Many people find it helps to go to a yoga class at least once a week. The sup-
port of practicing with others and the information they get from teachers
helps strengthen their commitment to yoga.
■ You may want to create a dedicated yoga space. Temporarily push things
aside to have enough space for your practice, or simply choose a place to
spread your yoga mat on the floor. Having a regular space for practice will
help you focus on the poses without distraction from your surroundings.
■ Start with the poses you like. You might take one pose you like from each
class and practice it at least once a day, which takes only a few moments.
Gradually you can begin to combine the poses to form your own yoga ses-

As you learn yoga, you will find that each sequence of poses will help you focus on
something specific; for example, one sequence can improve balance, while another
may release anger and negative feelings; some sequences will tone internal organs,
increase lung capacity, or build upper-body strength. Choose the sequences that feel

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