Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
clearer mind may be accompanied by a cognitive restructuring in which people
interpret life events in a more positive, more realistic fashion. Meditation’s residual
effects—improved stress-coping abilities—are a protection against daily stress and
anxiety. All other self-healing methods are improved with the practice of meditation.
Some adverse effects of meditation are possible. Relaxation exercises should not be
practiced while driving or operating potentially dangerous machinery. Some people
have been stressed so long that they are unfamiliar with deep relaxation and there-
fore feel threatened by it. In meditation, people are taught to accept nonjudgmen-
tally whatever thoughts occur. Sometimes, however, extremely upsetting thoughts
arise and it is impossible to remain nonjudgmental, which could lead to disparaging
thoughts about one’s abilities. The adverse effects for more experienced meditators
are temporary fear, anxiety, confusion, depression, or self-doubt. For an unknown
reason, these kinds of thoughts are more likely to arise during the first 10 minutes of
meditation. In rare instances, relaxation exercises may trigger seizures in people
with sleep onset seizure disorders. People with schizophrenia may experience an
acute episode following intensive meditation. Meditation may also be inappropriate
for people with extreme anger, hostility, or obsessive thoughts, because they may be
unable to quiet their minds adequately and therefore may not perceive the experi-
ence as relaxing.

Beginning Your Practice

A meditative practice consists of two basic activities:
■ The repetition of a word, sound, prayer, phrase, idea, or muscular activity
■ The disregard of everyday thoughts that interfere with the process.

The sidebar lists focus words or prayers that you may find appropriate. The word or
phrase is silently repeated with each in-breath and out-breath. Some people choose
to use one word for the in-breath and another for the out-breath. Some meditators
choose an object of personal significance on which to focus. Every detail of the
object is studied, including gradations of shape, color, texture, and so on. Flowers,
candle flames, or religious statues are common choices.


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