Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Before sitting down to meditate, it is helpful to make sure that the area is clean and
uncluttered, which helps keep the mind clear and fresh. No props are required for
meditation, although some people may choose to include incense, candles, or reli-
gious symbols in their meditative practice. Beginners often start with 5–10 minutes
of meditation and increase the time gradually. It is most important that time is
scheduled each day, and many people find that meditating first thing in the morn-
ing, before the busy day begins, works well. Other people prefer to meditate in the
evening. The key is to find a time when one is unlikely to be disturbed. It is best to
wait about two hours after a big meal, during which time the blood flow is diverted
from the brain to the gut.


Progressive relaxation is a way of decreasing muscular tension in about 10 minutes. It
should be done in a quiet place, in any comfortable position, although typically it is done
lying on your back. Begin by focusing on your breath, breathing gently, slowly, and deeply.
Shift your awareness different parts of the body in turn, by tensing a muscle groups as
tight as possible, holding the tension for several seconds, and then consciously relaxing it.
Start with your toes and slowly work up the body, tensing your feet, calves, thighs, butt,
abdomen, chest arms, neck and face. Experience the difference between a muscle that is
tense and one that is relaxed.

■ Lie on your back with your legs uncrossed, your arms at your sides, palms up, and
your eyes closed.
■ Focus on your breathing, breathing in peace and breathing out tension.
■ As you begin to feel relaxed, direct your attention to your feet, paying attention to
any sensations. Let your feet relax and feel the warmth spread throughout your feet.
■ Then move your focus to your ankles. Follow the same procedure as you move up
your lower legs, knees, thighs, hips, and so on all around the body.
■ Pay particular attention to any areas that are painful or are the focus of any medical
condition such as the lungs or heart.
■ Finish the body scan by paying particular attention to the neck and head.
Experience the warmth of the relaxation.
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