Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

All sitting meditative practices begin with finding a comfortable but erect position.
The posture itself is a meditation. Slumping reflects low energy and passivity, while a
ramrod-straight posture reflects tension and effort. It is easiest to meditate if the
spine is straight and the body posture is symmetrical. Some people sit on the floor
cross-legged using a firm cushion under their backside to support the spine. Others
sit in a chair with a straight back, with both feet on the ground. The face relaxes,
shoulders drop, and head, neck, and back move into easy alignment. The eyes may
be either open or closed. Hands may be resting in the lap or may be held with palms
together. It is believed that having the palms together with the fingertips touching
completes a circuit of energy extending from the heart down the arms and through
the chakras in the center of the palm of each hand as well as the chakras in the fin-
gertips. People often experiment with various ways of positioning their hands during
meditation until they find what is best for them.


The following process may be useful when starting your meditation practice. You should
feel free to modify it as you discover what works best for you:

1 Pick a focus word or short phrase that is firmly rooted in your belief system.
2 Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
3 Close your eyes.
4 Relax your muscles.
5Breathe slowly and naturally, and as you do, repeat your focus word, phrase, or
prayer silently to yourself as you exhale.
6 Assume a passive attitude. Don’t worry about how well you’re doing. When other
thoughts come to mind, simply say to yourself, “Oh, well,” and gently return to the
7 Continue for 10–20 minutes.
8 Do not stand immediately. Continue sitting quietly for a minute or so, allowing
other thoughts to return. Then open your eyes and sit for another minute before
9 Practice this technique once or twice daily.
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