Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
weight, the positive suggestion is not, “You will not be hungry,” which is unlikely
and a negative rather than positive statement. Rather the positive suggestion might
be, “You will be surprised to find how comfortable you will be. Treat your body with
kindness and respect.”


It is true that under hypnosis people often recall past forgotten events. It is also true
that people under hypnosis often “remember” things quite vividly that never actu-
ally happened, but which have great personal significance nonetheless. These might
be called fantasized life events. In a deep trance state, memories and fantasies may
be intense, and the two may be indistinguishable. People are able to remember
great detail of actual events and are also uniquely capable of making up details and
experiencing them as if they were remembered. Recognizing the potential difficulties
arising from what some call “false memory syndrome,” several states in the United
States now limit legal testimony to that obtained prior to any systematic hypnotic
treatment. In 1985, the American Medical Association cautioned against the system-
atic use of hypnosis for memory recall for both its unreliability and its potential to
create vivid false memories.

You Are Feeling Sleepy, Very Sleepy: The Process of Hypnosis

Hypnotherapists do not “put” people into trances. They arrange circumstances to
increase the likelihood that people will shift themselves into a trance state. About
20% of the population has a high capacity for trance; these people may go under
hypnosis deeply. Another 20% has a slight capacity for trance, are easily distracted,
and may not respond to hypnotherapy at all. People who cannot be hypnotized
include those with organic brain disease, those with low IQ, and those who do not
want to be hypnotized. The remaining 60% falls somewhere between these extremes.
For people seeking hypnotherapy or guided imagery, the question arises as to
whether the use of audio tapes would offer equal benefit. The answer to that ques-
tion depends on several factors, including the nature and depth of the problem to
resolve. General self-hypnosis tapes will give only general results. Personalized audio
tapes, created by a therapist using the individual’s own images, are more effective.
Working with an experienced practitioner is most effective because the procedure is
individualized according to the client’s expectations and preferences.

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