Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Feeling-State Imagery
Feeling-state imagery is designed to simply help people change their mood in a gen-
eral way. You can let your imagination take you to a favorite place, real or imag-
ined. For example, some may imagine themselves at a beach and floating gently on
the water, while feeling peaceful and relaxed. Others may imagine themselves as a
young child sitting on the lap of a beloved grandparent. Using this kind of imagery
can help you move from a state of tension and fear to one of peace and calm.

End-State Imagery
End-state imagery occurs when patients imagine themselves already in the situation
or circumstances that they desire. For example, seeing one’s self as healthy, strong,
and free from disease. Others may imagine themselves as successful, happy, and
well loved.

Energetic Imagery
Symptoms of disease are often thought to result from blocked energy. Energetic
imagery involves imagining the life force energy, or qi, flowing smoothly and easily
throughout the body. Imagine that you are pulling up energy from the earth
through the soles of your feet, replenishing your body’s energy.

Cellular Imagery
Cellular imagery relates to imagining events at the cellular level. For example, you
imagine your natural killer cells surrounding and attacking cancer cells. Cellular
imagery is usually specific and focused on exactly what needs to be fixed. Imagery
does not have to be visual. Some people “hear” their imagery, others “feel” it, and
some “taste” or “smell” it. Some people might choose to put a hand over the affected
area and send healing images to the cells in that area.

Psychological Imagery
Similar to cellular imagery, physiological imagery involves the entire body. You
might imagine that your blood vessels are relaxed and wider in an effort to lower
blood pressure. People with back pain may imagine that all the muscles in their
back are relaxing and softening. People with diabetes may put their hands over the
abdomen and imagine insulin moving out of the pancreas to connect with hungry
cells throughout the body.

Psychological imagery involves people’s perception of themselves. For example, peo-
ple who feel overly responsible may feel as though they have the weight of the world
on their shoulders. Those who feel abandoned may feel the pain as heartache. You

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