Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
may want to put your hands on the hurting places, and breathe into the pain.
Psychological imagery can also be interactive. When conflict is the issue, you can
imagine a dialogue with the adversary that may bring a fresh perspective and new
solutions to problems.

Spiritual Imagery
The goal of spiritual imagery is to make contact with God or the Divine, gain
entrance into a larger world, or find guidance or inspiration. Some people find it
comforting to imagine that they are being held in the hands of God where they are
perfectly safe.

How Do I Get Started with Hypnotherapy?

Some people fear that hypnosis and guided imagery may cause them to lose control
of their minds to an outside force. The reality is quite the opposite because the indi-
vidual is always under self-control. When clients learn a technique like imagery, it is
entirely within their control, for use when, how, and where they want. It is a tool
that can be used whenever a person feels particularly anxious, upset, or uncomfort-
able. That type of empowering, in itself, is healing, because people feel better and do
better when they have a sense of mastery over what is happening to them.



This exercise is designed to empower yourself with your thoughts by transforming negative
thoughts and events through visualization. Do this every day for a week, prior to bedtime.
Mentally go through your day and decide what you could have changed that would have
brought better results. Then imagine that change happening. For example, if someone said
something to you that you did not like, imagine something more positive was said. If you
did not like your test score, visualize the grade as a better one.

If you are angry with or intimidated by another person, shrink that person and put him/her
in the palm of your open hand. Have a discussion with that person but have that person
talk in a different voice, like a high, squeaky or cartoon voice. See that person getting
smaller and smaller until the person disappears or you blow him/her off into space.
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