Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Reframing Nightmares

You need not seek professional help for bad dreams unless they frequently disrupt
your sleep. Other distress signals include regular bouts of fatigue or depression when
you wake up or consistently feeling worse than when you went to bed. Remember,
nothing in your dreams can hurt you. During a nightmare, reframing the situation
you are dreaming, to try to resolve whatever unconscious material is causing the
nightmare. Some suggestions are given below. Alternatively, nightmares can be
managed through a process called dream reentry, which is practiced in the waking
state. Begin by selecting the nightmare to relive, and then come up with alternative
ways of acting in the nightmare to transform the events into a more enjoyable expe-
rience. Relive the nightmare in imagination, incorporating the new action, and con-
tinue on with the dream until you see the result of your new behavior.

Being Chased
Response: Stop running and face the chaser, which may cause it to disappear. If not,
try to talk and reconcile with the person or animal. Alternatively, ask the adversary
what you are running away from.

Being Attacked
Response: Demonstrate your readiness to defend yourself, rather than giving in or
running away. Then try to talk with the attacker in a soothing manner.
Alternatively, enlist friendly and cooperative dream characters to help overcome the
threatening character.

Response: Rather than waking up, go with it, relax, and land gently. Think about
landing in a pleasant and interesting place. Alternatively, transform falling into fly-

Trapped or Paralyzed
Response: Relax and tell yourself you are dreaming. Go along with images or things
that happen to the body, because none of it can be harmful in reality. Adopt an atti-
tude of interest and curiosity about what happens.

Being Unprepared for an Exam or Speech
Response: Leave the exam room or the lecture hall. Alternatively, answer the text
questions creatively or give a spontaneous talk on any topic of interest. The key is in
transforming the experience into one that is fun.

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