Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Being Naked in Public
Response: Remember, modesty is a public convention and dreams are private experi-
ences. Have fun with the idea. Try having everyone else in the dream remove their
clothing also.


■ Clearly declare to yourself the intention to remember your dreams when you lie
down to sleep.
■ Have your tools, notebook and pen or tape recorder, at your bedside.
■ If you awaken during the night while dreaming, record your dream immediately.
Use a penlight to see if you do not wish to disturb your partner. If you tell yourself
that you can go back to sleep and catch the dreams later, you will probably find
you are wrong.
■ When you awaken in the morning, at first lie quietly before jumping out of bed.
Then write whatever you remember, even if only one word or scene.
■ If you wake with no dream memories, move your body back into the position you
were in as you began to awaken and you will be more likely to recall your most
recent dream.
■ Don’t censor your dreaming and don’t try to interpret right away. Bizarre, weird, or
trivial dreams may become important later.
■ Pay attention to your feelings. They are often your best guide to the dream’s mean-
ing and urgency.
■ Keep a journal for a month of the dreams you do remember. Look for important
ideas or themes running through the dreams.
■ The more you practice these skills, the more dreams you will remember.

Cultivating Healing Dreams

Dreams are the doorway into the unconscious, which is also a domain of healing.
Just as guided imagery can be used to direct people’s attention to specific areas or
organs of the body, dreams too can become a healing tool.
■ One half hour before bedtime, find a quiet place.
■ Pay attention to the sounds and sensations of the outside environment as
nature begins to settle down to rest.
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