Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
During this trance state, shamans’ souls are believed to leave their bodies and
ascend to either the upper world or lower world. Unlike the altered state of con-
sciousness during dreaming, the SSC is a conscious waking state and at any time
shamans can will themselves out of it, back into the OSC. The experience is like a
waking dream in which shamans can control their actions and direct their adven-
tures. Unlike a mind-altering drug experience, the SSC experience is not dependent
on a chemically determined length of time, nor does it risk the possibility of being
locked into a “bad trip.”

Tapping the Imagination

Most indigenous people make little distinction between what Westerners call imagi-
nation and reality. Imagination is just as real and just as concrete as ordinary real-
ity. In fact, most of the material things of the “real” world were someone’s
imagination first. Automobiles, televisions, and computers have come from the
imaginary realm. In fact, logic and reason have always been preceded by imagina-
tion. Western people often ask whether the power animals and guardian spirits have
is real or imagined. If the information that is received from power animals and
guardian spirits empowers people, improves their lives, and helps them heal, the
question does not apply. It is real because people’s lives are changed.

The Shamanic Cosmology

Shamanic cultures throughout the world have a three-tiered cosmology or way of
viewing the universe. The middle world is the world of OSC or ordinary reality. It is
the world of matter and the world in which people live their daily lives. The lower
world and the upper world are SSC worlds, nonordinary reality, or worlds of the
spirit, not to be confused with heaven and hell. These worlds are just as real as the
ordinary reality of the middle world.
The lower world is the world of power animals. These archetypical energies take the
form of animal guides who have knowledge and wisdom to share and help people
navigate through life. Power animals tend to provide practical help and guidance.
The capability of power animals to speak to humans is taken as an indication of
their power. The belief that shamans can shape-shift into the form of their power
animal is common to many cultures. Sharing the identity of one’s power animal
varies among shamans. Some speak publicly about them while others fear that dis-
closing the animal’s identity may cause it to leave the person. Many cultures believe
that every person is born with a particular animal spirit that is to be their guide
throughout life. A similar belief in Western cultures is that of guardian angels
watching over people, especially children.

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