Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
busy schedules. With regular practice of the relaxation response, people report expe-
riencing an increase in spirituality. They often describe the presence of an energy—a
power, or God—that is beyond themselves. Those who feel this presence often experi-
ence the greatest medical benefits.
The second remedy is one of healthful living. Some religious groups actively promote
a healthy lifestyle as part of their doctrine. Religious proscriptions may include
dietary moderation, rules about sexual behavior, and regulations regarding hygiene
as well as avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. In one survey of college stu-
dents, researchers found that the more religious students avoided health-
compromising behaviors and engaged in more frequent health-enhancing behaviors
than those students who were less religiously involved.
Remedy number three is the aesthetics of worship, which taps into a universal
appreciation for beauty. Visual symbols of faith are reassuring and calming images.
Stained-glass windows, beautiful architecture, and floral arrangements all provide
an experience of harmony and balance. Sacred music uses audible beauty to com-
municate the splendor of God. The smell of incense may evoke a deep sense of peace
and quietude.
The fourth remedy is whole-being worship. Christians who sing familiar hymns, Jews
who sing “Torah Ora” when the Torah scroll is presented, and Buddhists who chant
their prayers all participate in whole-being worship through music. This combina-
tion of physical activity (singing), cognitive activity (reading the words), and spiri-
tual activity (prayer through song) evokes a sense of peace. Movements such as
kneeling, standing, bowing heads, folding hands, or even dancing engage people on
all levels of being. As people worship with body, mind, and spirit, they go through a
unifying experience that is as good for them as it feels.
Remedy number five is confession and absolution. Harboring guilty feelings can lit-
erally make people sick. In many religions, people are encouraged to confess their
sins, repent, and are given assurance of forgiveness and absolution. This process
allows individuals to review their mistakes, share their personal pain, and learn
from and move on rather than becoming preoccupied with personal shortcomings.
The sixth remedy is one’s support network—those family members and friends who
offer practical help, emotional support, and spiritual encouragement in the time of
need. People are social beings whose health often deteriorates when they become
isolated and lonely. Lack of human companionship has been linked to depression of
the immune system and a lowered production of endorphins, the neurotransmitter
that produces the feeling of well-being. A 10-year study of 2,754 people found that
men who volunteered regularly and had social contact with others were less likely to
die than those who volunteered less and had less social contact. Another study


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