Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
practitioner needs to take into account, however, where and how the client’s belief
enters into the healing process. Nor should health care practitioners be forced
against their wishes into participating in client’s religious practices. In the best of
worlds, health care professionals and clergy work closely together to provide mean-
ingful holistic care.


■ If you are ill, ask specifically for people’s prayers for healing. It may involve clergy,
members of a congregation, adding your name to a prayer list, or asking family and
friends to pray for you on a regular basis.
■ Pray for your own healing.
■ Seek out healing services. Many churches and synagogues offer opportunities to
participate in a prayer service or healing service.
■ Pray persistently. Keep praying regardless of apparent results. Continuing prayer is
an expression of faith and hope.
■ Pray for others who are suffering.

Prayer as an Act of Gratitude

You may also want to take time out to count your blessings and say “thanks” for the
good things in life. Paying attention to what you already have and what is going
right in your life helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. An act of gratitude
often restores a sense of balance and perspective.
■ Remember to say “thank you.” Make it a habit whenever someone helps you
out, gives you a compliment, or gives you a gift.
■ Create rituals of thanks; for example, saying grace before meals or daily
prayers. Practice them until they become a habit.
■ Every night before you go to bed, make a list of five things you are grateful
for. It will help take the focus off the stresses in your life.
■ Take the time to give back. Look for opportunities to help others and recycle
the good fortune you have in your life.
■ Once a day, strike a grateful pose. It could be kneeling in prayer or standing
with your arms extended joyfully to the sky.
■ Take 10 minutes each day to be grateful. Go outside into nature, meditate, or
pray. Whatever you do, take the time to appreciate all that you have right
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