Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
How Does Bioelectromagnetics Work?.

Magnetic and crystal healing work best in combination with other healing methods
and should be considered as adjunct treatments to conventional medicine. Magnetic
and crystal healing should not be used alone for any major disease or medical con-

Magnetic Therapies: They’re Very Attractive

Being immersed in a field of negative ions seems to balance people’s energy and
relieve pain. Physicians specializing in orthopedics and sports medicine have been
recommending magnets since 1993. Athletic performance is enhanced and risk of
serious injury is decreased when magnets are used to warm up muscles and joints.
People wear magnets on their wrists, elbows, and knees for joint pain or on their
heads for headaches. Magnets are used to speed the healing of wounds. Though not
recognized as medical devices by the Food and Drug Administration, magnets have
been widely used in Asia for years. Blood cells, believed to have tiny positive charges
at one end and negative charges at the other end, respond to the pull of magnets,
thus increasing blood flow to the area. The increased blood flow brings in more
healing nutrients and carries off toxins. Magnets appear to block pain by altering
the electro-magnetic balance between negatively charged and positively charged
ions in the nerve pathways that carry pain messages. The magnets used are about


■ Transcultaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)—Used for pain relief
■ Transcranial electrostimulation (TCES)—Used to reduce symptoms of depression,
anxiety, and insomnia; may be effective in drug dependence
■ Neuromagnetic stimulation—Used in place of electro-convulsive therapy in cer-
tain types of mood disorders; used in diagnostic nerve conduction studies
■ Electromyography—Used to diagnose and treat carpal tunnel syndrome and other
movement disorders
■ Electroencephalography—Along with EEG biofeedback, used to treat attention
deficit disorder, learning disabilities, stroke, and alcoholism
■ Electroretinography— Noninvasive monitoring of rapid eye movement sleep
■ Low energy emission therapy—Used to treat insomnia and hypertension
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