Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

■ Aromatherapy: cedarwood, coriander, cypress massage or cold compress,
compress of rosemary to swollen joints
■ Exercise in water (nonweight-bearing) or moderate exercise as tolerated
■ Feldenkrais Method
■ Herbs: devil’s claw, boswellia, evening primrose oil; ginger; capsaicin cream
applied topically, glucosamine (1500 mg) and chondroitin (1200 mg) to help
restore joint integrity; natural anti-inflammatories like willowbark, turmeric,
and ginger
■ Homeopathy: poison ivy
■ Ice joints and then rub in analgesic oils
■ Magnets placed over an inflamed area on regular basis
■ Reflexology: all joints of the hands and feet should be worked for pain relief
and mobility of corresponding body joints
■ Supplements: thiamine; vitamins B6, B12
■ Therapeutic Touch
■ Yoga: practice slowly, seeing how far the affected joints can be moved without
pain; do not exercise joints when they are inflamed


■ Acupuncture
■ Alexander Technique: teaches a more relaxed way of breathing and enables
you to manage yourself better during an asthma attack
■ Aromatherapy: put several drops of cypress on a handkerchief and inhale
deeply; put frankincense on a pillow at night to slow and deepen the breath-
■ Biofeedback
■ Breathing exercises
■ Hypnosis
■ Herbs: holy basil, elecampine, country mallow, malabar nut, bayberry; mix 3
parts tincture of lobelia with 1 part tincture of capsicum—take 20 drops in
water at the start of an asthmatic attack—repeat every 30 minutes for a total
of 3 or 4 doses


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