Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
■ Chiropractic manipulation
■ Herbs: valerian, nutmeg, gotu kola; to ease local discomfort soak a compress
in 1/2 cup hot water containing 1 tbsp. camp bark and 1 tsp. cinnamon tinc-
■ Homeopathy: 4 tablets of arnica as soon as possible after an injury and
repeat every hour for the first day while awake, second day—4 tablets every 2
hours; third day—4 tablets four times
■ Hydrotherapy: for acute back pain, use an ice pack on affected area for 20
minutes every 1–2 hours
■ Magnets: place small magnets over area of muscle spasm in back
■ Massage with warm oil
■ Reflexology: work the spinal reflexes, especially the tender points, on the
medial longitudinal arches of the feet (the bony ridges on the inside)
■ Sleep on back with pillows under knees or on side with pillow between bent
■ Yoga: lie down with legs bent, feet flat on floor, exhale fully and slowly for at
least 12 breaths; long-term yoga practice can strengthen back muscles

Balance Problems

■ Qigong
■ T’ai Chi
■ Hippotherapy

Bee Stings/Insect Bites

■ Aromatherapy: tea tree, basil, bergamot, lavender, thyme, ylang-ylang
■ Add enough water to baking soda or meat tenderizer to make a paste and
apply it to the sting
■ Cover affected area with a small amount of mashed fresh papaya
■ Herbs: apply fresh aloe vera sap directly to the bite; if bite becomes infected,
bathe with marigold or echinacea tea; apply a fresh slice of onion to both bee
and wasp stings; a mixture of honey and crushed garlic makes a soothing
■ Homeopathy: Apis, 1 tablet every 30 minutes, maximum 6 doses for burning
and swelling


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