Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Bones (Broken)

■ Aromatherapy: massage in elemi oil prior to casting
■ Bioelectromagnetics: place magnets into the dressings over fractures
■ Healing Touch
■ Reiki
■ Therapeutic Touch


■ Aromatherapy: cypress, combine 1 drop of chamomile with 2 tsp. of ice cold
water—soak a cotton pad and apply to affected area
■ Herbs: witch hazel (topical), arnica tablets or massage tincture of arnica into
bruised area; 200–400 mg three times a day of bromelain on an empty stom-
■ Homeopathy: aconite, 1 or 2 doses only over 15 minutes immediately for the
“shock” of the injury
■ Hydrotherapy: cold compresses for first 12 hours with occasional breaks to
prevent excessive chilling
■ Supplements: 2,000 mg vitamin C three times a day for people who bruise
easily; pineapple juice—enzymes speed the rate at which the blood causing
the bruise dissolves

Burns (Minor)

■ Aromatherapy: for pain relief—chamomile, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender;
to reduce inflammation—chamomile, clary sage, geranium, lavender, myrrh,
tea tree; to regenerate skin—chamomile, clary sage, eucalyptus, geranium,
myrrh, rose, tea tree
■ Herbs: aloe vera sap, calendula lotion, or raw honey
■ Hydrotherapy: immediately immerse the affected part in ice water for 5–10
minutes with brief break during the first 20 minutes after the injury
■ Magnets: place over site of injury to control pain and speed healing


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