Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Cholesterol (High)

■ Herbs: garlic, Indian gooseberry
■ Meditation
■ Supplements: Profibe (grapefruit fiber)
■ Yoga

Circulation (Poor)

■ Aromatherapy: rosemary (increases circulation to skin), vetiver
■ Biofeedback
■ Exercise
■ Healing Touch
■ Herbs: ginkgo, garlic, cayenne, hawthorn, bilberry
■ Hypnosis
■ Imagery
■ Magnets
■ Massage
■ Therapeutic Touch
■ Yoga

Common Cold

■ Acupressure: if sinuses become blocked or painful
■ Aromatherapy: inhale lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint oil in steam
vaporizer to speed recovery and lessens stuffiness; add 3 drops lemon oil, 2
drops thyme and tea tree oil, and 1 drop eucalyptus into hot bath
■ Herbs: tea from fresh ginger and brown sugar, echinacea at the first sign of a
cold, astragalus, garlic, goldenseal
■ Homeopathy: allium cepa (onion), monkshood, aconite, or natrum muri-
aticum: 1 tablet up to every 4 hours, as needed—maximum 3–4 days.
■ Reflexology: work the fingers and thumbs, the webs between the fingers, the
pads beneath the fingers, and the spaces on the back of the hands for the
reflexes of the head, lungs, and upper lymphatics
■ Supplements: vitamin C, zinc lozenges


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