Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Cold Sores

■ Aromatherapy: apply tea tree oil at onset and continue until cleared
■ Herbs: lemon-balm tea shows significant antiviral activity against herpes
simplex; echinacea (600 mg daily) or goldenseal (100 mg daily)


■ Aromatherapy: chamomile (rubbed on abdomen), coriander, orange, pepper-
■ Massage abdomen; massage bottom of feet with warmed sesame oil


■ Aromatherapy: massage abdomen in a clockwise direction with orange, black
pepper, ginger, or marjoram mixed in a carrier oil
■ Exercise: especially activities that work the abdominal muscles such as row-
ing, swimming, walking, or sit-ups
■ Herbs: dandelion root, chicory root, angelica root (20–30 drops of extract in a
small glass of water three times a day), cascara sagrada, senna; psyllium—
only use for several days, long-term use can be damaging
■ Homeopathy: bryonia (wild hops) or nux vomica—1 tablet 3 times daily—
maximum 1 week
■ Drink 6–8 glasses of water daily
■ Yoga: twisting postures and forward bends are often helpful


■ Aromatherapy: mix 2 drops each of orange, lemon, and lavender oils in a
basin of warm water and soak feet for at least 15 minutes per day


■ Aromatherapy: cedarwood; several drops of cypress or tea tree on handker-
chief and inhale deeply; add 3 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops thyme oil to 2
tsp. vegetable oil—massage into neck and chest; steam inhalation using san-
dalwood, benzoin, eucalyptus, or frankincense


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