Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
■ Exercise: not later than early evening
■ Herbs: valerian, lemon balm, catnip, hops, passion flower, skullcap teas (if
taste is unpleasant, add sugar, honey, or lemon)
■ Homeopathy: windflower, nux vomica, arsenicum album—1 tablet before
bed for 10 days or until improved
■ Hydrotherapy: warm baths
■ Magnets: use magnetic pillow or pad for sedating effect
■ Meditation

Jet Lag

■ Herbs: melatonin
■ Drink fluids and avoid alcohol; do in-flight stretches

Labor Pain

■ Aromatherapy: blend of clary sage, rose, and ylang-ylang for massage—deep
massage of lower back and hips during contractions, between contractions
massage shoulders, back, hands, and feet; if contractions are lagging, a light
massage of the breasts may stimulate activity
■ Herbs: red raspberry tea, black cohosh tea
■ Hypnosis

Liver Disease

■ Herbs: milk thistle, dandelion root tea
■ Hydrotherapy: take steam baths or saunas frequently to help body eliminate

Memory Loss

■ Aromatherapy: basil, black pepper, coriander, ginger, rosemary, thyme
■ Exercise
■ Herbs: 2 capsules twice a day of ginkgo
■ Supplements: vitamin B6


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