Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

■ Aromatherapy: geranium, rose, fennel in bath or in body creams
■ Herbs: black cohosh (4 tablets daily), vitex, agnue castii, rehmannia, ginseng,
wild yam as tea; Chinese tonic of He Shou Wu, dong quai
■ Meditation
■ Supplements: vitamin E (200–800 IU daily), soy protein (50 g daily)

Menstrual Discomfort

■ Aromatherapy: basil; clary sage massage or warm compress; massage
abdomen and lower back with jasmine, marjoram
■ Herbs: tea of agnus castus with rosemary for premenstrual water retention;
black haw for cramps—4 tsp. in glass of warm water, repeat after 4 hours if
necessary; Chinese tonic of dong quai
■ Homeopathy: viburnum, magnesium phosphate, sepia—1 tablet every 2–4
hours—maximum 12 doses
■ Hydrotherapy: warm compresses
■ Reflexology: massage uterine reflexes below inside ankle bones and ovarian
reflexes beneath outside ankle bones
■ Supplements: calcium and manganese, fish oil, parsley, celery, and dandelion
leaves are all mild diuretics
■ Yoga stretches and more relaxation and breathing exercises

Migraine Headaches

■ Aromatherapy: green apple (inhalant), lavender, mellissa, or peppermint put
on a facecloth with cool water and used as a compress on the forehead or
back of the neck
■ Biofeedback
■ Herbs: feverfew (prophylaxis)
■ Homeopathy: iris, sanguinaria, glonoine—1 tablet every 30 minutes until
improved—maximum 6 doses
■ Hypnosis
■ Pressure-point therapies
■ Pulsating electromagnetic fields


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