Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Premenstrual Syndrome

■ Acupuncture
■ Aromatherapy: massage or warm bath with rose oil, clary sage, ylang-ylang,
lavender, lemon grass, sandalwood, jasmine, bergamot—you will have to
decide, by trial and error, which one of these oils best suits you
■ Deep breathing exercises for a least 20 minutes a day
■ Herbs: vitex, black cohosh extract, agnus-castus (10–20 drops each morning);
Helonias; Chinese tonic of dong quai
■ Homeopathy: windflower, pulsatilla, lachesis—1 tablet two times daily—
maximum 1 week; may be repeated next period
■ Meditation
■ Reflexology: massage uterine reflexes below inside ankle bones and ovarian
reflexes beneath outside ankle bones
■ Supplements: vitamin B6, 2–3 g capsule of combined fish oil and evening
primrose oil

Prostate Enlargement (Benign)

■ Herbs: Saw palmetto (160 mg two times a day) pygeum africanum, stinging
nettle root tea
■ Supplements: 30 mg of zinc picolinate daily; add soy foods to diet


■ Diet: include foods with zinc, beta-carotene, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty
acids; avoid liver and other organ meats, foods that aggravate psoriasis
■ Herbs: aloe vera extract in topical application—apply three times a day—do
not cover
■ Homeopathy: sepai, arsenicum iodatum, petroleum—1 tablet two times
daily—maximum 2 weeks
■ Sunshine on the skin is helpful


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