Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Skin (Dry)

■ Aromatherapy: mix 2 drops each of sandalwood, rose, and geranium oil with
a tablespoon of almond oil—use as a topical evening moisturizer; other oils
good for dry skin include jasmine, orange, and ylang-ylang used in a mois-
turizer or in a bath

Sore Throat

■ Aromatherapy: several drops of sandalwood on handkerchief or mix with
carrier oil and massage into throat area and then wrap something warm
around the throat
■ Herbs: mix 1 cup of warm water with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon
of goldenseal powder
■ Homeopathy: monkshood, poison ivy, belladonna—1 tablet every 2 hours for
6 doses, then every 4 hours—maximum 3 days
■ Reflexology: massage the throat reflexes around the “neck” of the big toes
and thumbs

Sprain and Strains

■ Aromatherapy: chamomile, ginger, lavender as massage to area
■ Healing Touch
■ Herbs: 1/4 cup each of dry mustard powder and flour with warm water to
make a thick paste, spread the paste onto cheesecloth or gauze, roll it up,
and apply to the strained area
■ Homeopathy: poison ivy—1 tablet three times daily—maximum 2 weeks
■ Hydrotherapy: cold compresses to reduce swelling first 24 hours; then warm
compresses to increase circulation
■ Magnets: cover area with magnetic pad and secure with an Ace bandage—12
hours on and 12 hours off
■ Myofascial release
■ Pressure-point therapies
■ Reiki
■ Therapeutic Touch


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