Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

use traditional Chinese instruments and are to be listened to or “taken” as an indi-
vidual would take an herbal medicine, to help cope with problems or strengthen the
organs described in the titles. For headaches and migraines, the Japanese suggest
Mendelssohn’s Spring Song, Dvorak’s Humoresque, or even a dose of George
Gershwin’s An American in Paris. At hospitals throughout India, traditional Indian
music is used medicinally to balance the rhythms of the body. Western researchers
have lately established the healing and creative powers of sound and music in gen-
eral and in particular Mozart’s music, which seems to have a special ability to
improve learning and healing. It is thought that his music facilitates certain com-
plex neuronal patterns in the cerebral cortex, increasing left-brain activities such as
logical thinking, as well as strengthening the creative right-brain processes.
Vibrating sounds create energy fields of resonance and movement in the surround-
ing space. These energies are absorbed and subtly alter one’s internal rhythms.


■ In a study on the effects of music on nearly 97,000 people before, during, and
after surgery, 97 percent reported that listening to slow baroque or classical
music helped them relax and reduced their postoperative disorientation.
■ Twenty-seven people with rheumatoid arthritis used Guided Imagery and
Music (GIM) for 18 weeks and reported a reduction in both pain and psycho-
logical distress as well as improvement in walking.
■ Children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) who listened to Mozart were
able to improve their attention, have better control over their moods, lessen
their impulsivity, and improve their social skills.
■ At the Ireland Cancer Center at the University Hospital of Cleveland, 19 chil-
dren demonstrated a significant increase in salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA)
after a single half-hour music therapy session. IgA, an antibody in saliva, is a
principle marker in enhanced resistance to disease.
■ In a study of 20 developmentally disabled children, most of whom had cere-
bral palsy, 75% demonstrated improved attention, reduced hypersensitivity,
and improved coordination after listening to baroque compositions by
Vivaldi and Bach.

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