Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

frequencies, 24
functions of, 23-24
gemstones, 290
hand chakras, 23
heart chakras, 24-25
navel chakras. Seesexual
root chakras, characteristics
of, 24
sexual chakras, characteristics
of, 24
solar plexus chakras, 24, 28
third eye chakras, characteris-
tics of, 25
throat chakras, characteristics
of, 25
aromatherapy, 124
herbal medicine, 90, 93
chanting (Native American
medicine), 75
chaos theory, 108
Chelation Therapies
EDTA (ethylene diamine
tetraacetic acid), 298-299
heart disease, 331
chest congestion, alternative
therapies, 324
chi, 22, 37, 40. See also
prana; qi
Five Phases Theory, 38
meridians, 27
movement therapies, 248
Qigong, 249-250, 253-256
T’ai Chi, 249-256
tan diens, 28
tan t’ien, 255
children, AAT (Animal-
Assisted Therapy), 305
Chinese compasses, 39
Chinese medicine. SeeTCM
(Traditional Chinese
chiropractic therapies
back pain, 322
carpal tunnel syndrome, 324

common ailments, 138
development of, 132
diagnostic methods, 135-136
education, 132
headaches (tension), 330
hypermobile spinal joins, 136
pain management, 337
palpation, 136
philosophies of, 133-135
sacroiliac joints, 133
sciatica, 339
SMT (spinal manual therapy),
spinal vertebrae, 133
treatments, 137-138
vertebral subluxation, 132,
chloresterol (high), alterna-
tive therapies, 325
chondroitin, herbal medicine,
circadian rhythms, 18
circles, significance of in
Native American medicine,
circulation (poor), alternative
therapies, 325
clary sage (aromatherapy),
cold sores, alternative thera-
pies, 326
colds, alternative therapies,
colic, alternative therapies,
Collinge, William, 170
colloquial prayer (religious
healing), 277
colonics, 297-298
combined manual therapies
Applied Kinesiology, 177-183
exercise, 184
meridians, 183
neurolymphatic points, 179,

neurovascular points,
nutrition, 183-184
Polarity Therapy, 177-183
stress relief exercises, 184
comfrey, herbal medicine, 93
common colds, alternative
therapies, 325
companion animals, 303
AAT (Animal-Assisted
Therapy) registration, 304
AIDS, 311
benefits of, 306
children, 305
grooming/maintenance, 311
handler certification, 305
handler training, 305
hippotherapy, 308
HIV, 311
hygiene, 312
long-term health care facili-
ties, 307-309
obedience training, 304
pet interaction, 312
pet visits, 308
resident animal, 309
service dogs, 310
temperment, 304
veterinary care, 311
compasses (Chinese), 39
compassion, energy-
balancing therapies, 170
complementary medicine,
defining, 6
composite body types
(Ayurveda), 54-55
as detoxifying therapy, 300
hydrotherapy, 296
concentration (meditation),
confession and absolution
(religious healing remedies),
congestion (chest), alterna-
tive therapies, 324

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