Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

dream dictionaries, 233
dream incubation, 237
dream symbols, 231
healing dreams, 236-237
interpretation, 229
journaling, 234
nightmares, 232-236
personality integration, 234
precognitive dreaming, 233
quiet state, 229
recalling dreams, 236
REM (rapid eye movement)
sleep, 229-232
shamans, 228
sharing dreams, 238
sleep paralysis, 230
understanding dreams, 233
Native American medicine,
shamanism, 265-267
dry skin, alternative thera-
pies, 340
dualities (Native American
medicine), 73
Duke, James A., 97


infections, alternative thera-
pies, 328
reflexology points, 160
earth element (Ayurveda), 52
earth energy absorption
exercises (BEM), 293
echinacea, herbal medicine,
Eden Alternative, 307-309
EDTA (ethylene diamine
tetraacetic acid), chelation
therapies, 298-299
EEG (electroencephalograph)
devices (biofeedback), 243

effleurage (Swedish mas-
sage), 148
Eight Limbs of Yoga, 190
Path of Abstinence, 191
Path of Body Control, 192
Path of Breath Control, 192
Path of Concentration, 193
Path of Detachment, 192
Path of Meditation, 193
Path of Personal Discipline,
Path of Pure Consciousness,
Einstein, Albert, 21
EKG (cardiovascular) biofeed-
back, 243
electrocrystal therapy, 289
electroencephalography, 288
electromyography, 288
electronic gem therapy, 289
electroretinography, 288
elemi (aromatherapy), 124
EM (electromagnetic) fields,
migraine headaches, 335
tension headaches, 331
EMG (electromyography)
feedback, 243
emotional benefits of mes-
sage therapy, 146
emotional body layer (auric
fields), 26
emotional distress, alterna-
tive therapies, 328
end-state imagery (Guided
Imagery), 223
endogenous magnetic fields
(BEM), 286-287
energetic imagery (Guided
Imagery), 223
energy, 21
auras, 26-27
Ayurveda, 55

centering, 28
chakras, 22-25
concentrations of, 28
grounding, 28
imbalance, alternative thera-
pies, 329
life forces, 21
meridians, 27
energy fields
combined manual therapies,
exercises, 171-172
redirection exercises, 179
energy-balancing therapies
energy field exercises,
energy flows, 171
energy transference, 170
functions of, 169-170
HT (Healing Touch), 168-175
locus of healing, 171
philosophy of, 171
Reiki, 168-175
TT (Therapeutic Touch),
ERD (electrodermal response)
biofeedback devices, 243
erectile dysfunction, alterna-
tive therapies, 339
Erickson, Milton, 216
essential oils
aromatherapy, 116-126
diffusers, 121
herbal medicine, 86
esters (aromatherapy), 119
etheric body layer (auric
fields), 26
etheric template body layer
(auric fields), 27
eucalyptus (aromatherapy),
eugenol (aromatherapy), 119
evening primrose oil, herbal
medicine, 91
executive massage, 149

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