Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

name brands, 95
obtaining information on, 97
osteoarthritis, 336
osteoporosis, 337
pain management, 337
phytonutrients, 86-87
PMS, 338
poultices, 90
prescription drug compatibili-
ty, 95
prostate enlargement, 338
psoriasis, 338
rosemary, 94
safety, 89, 94-96
saw palmetto, 92
scrapes, 318
selenium, 92
sexual dysfunction, 339
shingles, 339
side effects, 96
sinus problems, 339
sore throat, 340
sprains/strains, 340
St. John’s wort, 92
store clerks, 95
sunburns, 341
synergism, 88-89
tea tree oil, 92
tension, 341
urinary tract infection, 342
valerian, 93
viral infection, 333
weight control, 342
wounds, 343
yohimbe, 93
herbs. See alsopeyote
Ayurveda treatments, 60
Native American medicine,
TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) treatments, 45
hiccups, pressure-point thera-
pies, 163
high chloresterol, alternative
therapies, 325
Hippocrates, massage thera-
py, 142

hippotherapy, 308, 322
HIV, AAT (Animal-Assisted
Therapy), 311
ho shou wu, TCM (Traditional
Chinese Medicine) treat-
ments, 45
Holy Spirit, 29
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
of the United States, 106,
aconitum (monkshood), 113
allergies, 318
allium cepa (onion), 113
anxiety, 319
arsenicum album (arsenic),
arthritis, 320
asthma, 321
back pain, 322
bee stings, 322
belladonna (deadly night-
shade), 113
bruises, 323
bryonia (wild hops), 113
colds, 325
constipation, 326
coughs, 327
development of, 106-107
diagnostic methods, 108-109
diarrhea, 328
ear infections, 328
fever, 330
gelsemium (yellow jes-
samine), 113
headaches (tension), 331
health, viewpoint of, 108
hemorrhoids, 331
ignatia (St. Ignatius bean),
indigestion, 332
inflammation, 333
insect bites, 322
insomnia, 334
Law of Infinitesimals,
Law of Similars, 107-109

market trends of, 105
menstrual discomfort, 335
migraine headaches, 335
nausea, 336
nux vomica (poison nut), 113
PMS, 338
prescription medication, in
relation to, 112
psoriasis, 338
pulsatilla (windflower), 113
remedies, examples of,
rhus toxicodendron (poison
ivy), 113
sinus problems, 339
sore throat, 340
sprains/strains, 340
state guidelines, 106
succussion, 107
treatment methods, 107-111
“hook-up” (Trager Approach),
horse-riding stance (T’ai Chi),
horseback riding. Seehip-
Howard, John, 132
hsuehs, 27, 46, 158
HT (Healing Touch), 171, 175
anxiety, 319
broken bones, 323
circulation (poor), 325
depression, 327
development of, 168
energy imbalance, 329
Native American medicine,
nausea, 336
pain management, 337
sprains/strains, 340
tension, 341
training, 169
treatment methods, 174
Huang Di, 36
Huang Di Nei Jing, 36
Hume L.P.N., Linda, 307

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